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The Lazarus Succession Audiobook
11 hours and 19 minutes
Narrated by: Jack Wynters

NEWS! British Author Ken Fry Dominates the Religious Mystery and Christian Fantasy Categories on Amazon UK

The Patmos Enigma and The Lazarus Succession are #1 in the Religious Mystery, Religious Fantasy, Christian Fantasy and Biblical Fiction categories on Amazon UK.

Online PR News – 09-October-2017 – Surrey, UK – Author Ken Fry started publishing late in life, and the success of his two novels, The Patmos Enigma and The Lazarus Succession, is quite unexpected, and a source of great pride for this writer who is often compared to Dan Brown and James Patterson.

A Readers' Favorite Review for The Lazarus Succession

I submitted The Lazarus Succession for a free review on Reader's Favorite, and as any author, I waited with some trepidation, in case it was picked by a reviewer with high standards.

Finally, it arrived, and once again, I'm happy that I'm a writer. She wanted to give it 6 stars!

While Lazarus has been a #1 Religious Mystery bestseller on Amazon UK since July of 2017, along with my other book, The Patmos Enigma, knowing what a reader thinks about the book is still a much needed validation.

An Excerpt from The Patmos Enigma: Quest of The Wandering Jew

The Patmos Enigma
Quest of the Wandering Jew
Religious Mystery Thriller / Christian Fiction

Judea, A.D.100

DEATH DESCENDED UPON him fast. Its blood lust grasped out to seize his lifeforce.

His heart hammered in his chest as he forced his exhausted body across an unforgiving terrain. He prayed for the courage to accept the kiss of his nemesis, and that its embrace would be short, sharp, and quick.

They were right behind him, gaining fast. He could hear their steel swords clashing. 

Pushing himself forward, he gasped in pain. But … he must keep running. To stop would surely seal his fate. One swift blow and his head would be a gift to the sand beneath his feet. His sandals slipped and turned with every agonising stride across rocks and spiky shrubs. There was nowhere to go but upwards, and there could be no return. 

His obedience to his mentors, the Guardians, had transformed him from law-abiding husband and father, into a man condemned. But he must obey his vows … must fulfill his purpose.

Behind, an elite troop of armed Roman legionnaires were in pursuit. One mounted soldier astride a white Arab stallion urged his panting steed to a faster gallop, and began closing in on him like a cheetah pursuing a deer. From the way he pointed his javelin at Koury’s sweat-stained back, his intent was clear. “Ya! Ya!”  The soldier spurred his excited mount onwards. 

Mystery Thriller Audiobook Released: The Lazarus Succession

After several months of collaboration, editing, and recording, ACX finally released the audiobook version of my bestselling religious mystery thriller, The Lazarus Succession. This wouldn't have turned into reality, were it not for the determination and professionalism of producer, professional actor and narrator, Jack Wynters. Fate would have us meet at ACX and I found his voice perfect for Lazarus.

If you are looking for a narrator with a British accent, look no further. Visit Jack on his website Wyntersea Productions or on ACX.

I couldn't have asked for a better narrator for my highest ranking book. His interpretation was simply superb it made me cry to listen to my words narrated with such expertise.

The Writing of THE PATMOS ENIGMA: Quest of The Wandering Jew

This has been a labour of love and mixed intelligence. Fascination with the ‘End of Timers’ brigades and their total inaccuracies prompted me to construct a tale, which they might like apart from the ending.